Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Four Year Old Students Flex Their Tech Muscles!

Today I had the pleasure of being proven wrong!  I knew that working with 4 year old students was challenging in and of itself, but to add a 1:1 iPad component seemed like one of the biggest challenges of my day.   As I walked into Mrs. Diane Mann-Yaldaparast's blended CD classroom (Stono Park Elementary) to assist her in implementing the devices, I saw students who were just as eager as any fifth grader I've ever worked with.  They were excited to learn and wonder about the opportunities that the devices would give them.  Because today was day one, we decided to use a program that they were all familiar with: Tumblebooks.  Luckily, our public library has a subscription and even more luckily, there is a mobile version of the site.  These four year olds (with assistance of course) were adding the public library website to their home screen and accessing the downloadable materials.  From here, students chose an audio book to listen to.  They were so happy to have voice and choice in which books they read and were such responsible digital citizens.  The ease with which they learned and the excitement and pride I saw on their faces as they accomplished directive after directive truly made my day.

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