Ms. Ancrum teaches 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ELA at Military Magnet Academy in North Charleston. Her students independently selected novels and are now creating iMovie (Book) Trailers intended to persuade other students to read their books. In order to create a 2 minute book trailer, students had to use critical thinking skills to select themes, pictures, and words that accurately reflected the mood, characters, and plot of the books that they chose. I enjoyed teaching student show to create videos, how to find high quality pictures, and challenging students to make their trailers better and better.
Malik and Ca'Vashia collaborating on their projects! |
This was a great activity and Ms. Ancrum can use these trailers with her students next year! Imagine how engaging it would be for students to see trailers that other students created before they select the book they want to use. In addition, challenging students to create better trailers with more detail would be a great way to promote 21st Century Skills (critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration). Great job Ms. Ancrum and Ms. Ancrum's students!
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