Today, Senora Stewart's Spanish I students at West Ashley High School worked on their family naming project. The standard project was to create a poster of their imaginary family tree with photos of their imaginary family members and Spanish naming to go with each one. For example, a student might choose a picture of Johnny Depp as her father, and his picture would be labeled Mi padre es Johnny Depp. Without technology, this poster project usually takes two 45 minute periods.
As a member of the Digital Learning Cohort, Senora Stewart shares a cart of iPads with another cohort member. Wanting to digitize this project, Senora Stewart decided to use the iPads. Using either Keynote or Google Slides, the students were given requirements to create their family tree with the same titles and pictures AND a 2 descriptive sentences in Spanish. At this point, the project is purely substitution/augmentation on the SAMR chart, so Senora Stewart and I worked to add something new to the project.
Because foreign language standards require heavy duty communication activities, we wanted to work in a verbal recording of the presentation. To solve this request, we decided the students could insert their slides into iMovie and then record the words on the slide for each slide. Now, we are at modification in the SAMR model.
On the day of the project launch, I met with 1/3 of the class in a quiet space to teach them how to use iMovie. It took approximately 25 minutes to go over how to personalize a Google Slide show, take and insert a screen shot, add an audio recording, lengthen or shorten the picture to match the recording, add transitions, and more.
Once the training was complete, that first group became the "iMovie Geniuses" for the class. Upon returning to the class, each Genius took on two trainees and trained them on iMovie.
Here are some pictures of the high school iMovie Geniuses training their classmates. The students were not told to stand and teach, but some chose to.
A cohort of K-12 teachers from across Charleston County School District participating in ongoing professional learning & collaboration for best practice implementation of 1:1 mobile devices with student-centered learning.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Student Technology Geniuses
Grammar and Writing Differentiation
For differentiation in the ELA classroom, No Red Ink is a godsend. First offered through Edmodo as an app, it is migrating completely to its website on June 30, 2016. See the company announcement below.
As you may have heard, NoRedInk will no longer integrate with Edmodo starting June 30, 2016. On that date, we will transition your account to the NoRedInk website. Your data and classes will travel with you, and the site will look and behave just as it always has. The only change is that you will begin logging in at noredink.comrather than through an Edmodo app.
On June 30, we will send instructions to this email address. If you’d like to use a different address, please launch the NoRedInk app and go to your settings page.
You can learn more about the change here. Also feel free to reach out with questions.
Thanks for all that you do,
The NoRedInk Team
If you haven't already been using No Red Ink, now is the time to go to their website and set up an account. This app offers grammar practice with parts of speech, sentences, commas, parallel structure, MLA citations and more. This app could take you from 3rd grade through college.
If diagramming sentences did not excite you, try No Red Ink on for size. It just might surprise you.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Organizing Thoughts Through Voice
As an English teacher, I saw my job as teaching people to think well and write well. The thinking was not nearly as difficult as the writing portion, and after leaving the classroom to coach teachers on how to effectively integrate technology into the classroom, I realize that writing was just a byproduct of what my real job was: to teach people how to communicate effectively. Writing was just one way to effectively communicate.
With technology becoming ubiquitous in our personal, professional, and now educational lives, we have so many opportunities to communicate; learning how to communicate effectively is becoming more important than ever with the organization of ideas and the quality of speech and text being the main focus.
If organization of ideas is one of the big three factors, why does written text take precedence over spoken word? Perhaps it has been that way because writing is permanent and digital writing is searchable. However, things have changed. Now, video is streaming live through Facebook and it is searchable on YouTube. Audio is also more prominent and is also searchable. While writing used to be more permanent, it is now just as temporary as audio and video because most of it is saved digitally. So then, why are we still focused on writing as the apex of communication?
Organizing ideas for verbal communication such as a speech or a podcast is just as challenging as the written word save the grammatical hangups. For our more verbal students, organizing thoughts for speech might even be a stepping stone to better writing because the student will process the information in a way that is his strength. Just as with scaffolding, this could scaffold for a hesitant writer. Check out this slidedeck with instructions for how to prepare for a speech.
That's where podcasting comes in. Podcasting is much like a radio broadcast. There are no images or written text. Everything is recorded in audio form. Some great examples can be found in iTunes and on StoryCorps.Org 1100+ of which have been shared on There are free audio apps available on all mobile devices from regular phones, to smartphones, to tablets. Apple or Android - it doesn't matter.
Apps and Websites
For Apple users, the Voice Record Pro App is free and powerful. Among the many features it offers, it allows you to import and export from Google Drive, offers editing, and saves into multiple formats. The age label is 4+ which means it is easy enough for kindergarteners to use.
For Chromebook users, is a simple, web-based voice recorder that offers a simple record, pause, and stop dashboard. The recording is saved on Vocaroo's servers for 2-3 months and then is deleted. It offers the user a link that can be copied and pasted to share with others. I love this app for simple checking for understanding especially for the younger children who can speak more easily than write. I have used this successfully with students as low as first grade.
The world is changing, and the good news is that it now offers us many new ways to interact and assess our students. Check out podcasting for a new and different experience.
With technology becoming ubiquitous in our personal, professional, and now educational lives, we have so many opportunities to communicate; learning how to communicate effectively is becoming more important than ever with the organization of ideas and the quality of speech and text being the main focus.
If organization of ideas is one of the big three factors, why does written text take precedence over spoken word? Perhaps it has been that way because writing is permanent and digital writing is searchable. However, things have changed. Now, video is streaming live through Facebook and it is searchable on YouTube. Audio is also more prominent and is also searchable. While writing used to be more permanent, it is now just as temporary as audio and video because most of it is saved digitally. So then, why are we still focused on writing as the apex of communication?
Organizing ideas for verbal communication such as a speech or a podcast is just as challenging as the written word save the grammatical hangups. For our more verbal students, organizing thoughts for speech might even be a stepping stone to better writing because the student will process the information in a way that is his strength. Just as with scaffolding, this could scaffold for a hesitant writer. Check out this slidedeck with instructions for how to prepare for a speech.
That's where podcasting comes in. Podcasting is much like a radio broadcast. There are no images or written text. Everything is recorded in audio form. Some great examples can be found in iTunes and on StoryCorps.Org 1100+ of which have been shared on There are free audio apps available on all mobile devices from regular phones, to smartphones, to tablets. Apple or Android - it doesn't matter.
Apps and Websites
For Apple users, the Voice Record Pro App is free and powerful. Among the many features it offers, it allows you to import and export from Google Drive, offers editing, and saves into multiple formats. The age label is 4+ which means it is easy enough for kindergarteners to use.
For Chromebook users, is a simple, web-based voice recorder that offers a simple record, pause, and stop dashboard. The recording is saved on Vocaroo's servers for 2-3 months and then is deleted. It offers the user a link that can be copied and pasted to share with others. I love this app for simple checking for understanding especially for the younger children who can speak more easily than write. I have used this successfully with students as low as first grade.
The world is changing, and the good news is that it now offers us many new ways to interact and assess our students. Check out podcasting for a new and different experience.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Critical Thinking and Collaboration Through Mystery Skype
Have you been wondering how you can foster critical thinking and collaboration on a much larger scale than just within the four walls of your classroom? If you've answered "yes" to this question, you might be wondering how to do this. One answer: Mystery Skype! Mystery Skype is a way to connect with another classroom in another school, state or country. Most teachers find partner teachers through Twitter, where connections are made during Twitter chats or just with a quick tweet asking for interest. Most of the time, the ultimate goal is to guess, using questioning, where each other are located. However, there are variations on this. (see page 51-52 of the linked page for variations.)
At Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary, Mr. Carrington's 4th grade class participated in their first Mystery Skype just this week with a sixth grade class in Kansas. A shared Google Document was created where Mr. Carrington's students could add possible questions and also list the answers to the questions that were asked. Students used Google Maps on their iPads as well as atlases to help support their search. Students were only allowed to ask "Yes" or "No" questions to narrow down their search. As the Skype progressed, students went from asking questions such as "Are you in the United States?" to "Are you one of the 13 original colonies?" to "Are you North of Myrtle Beach?" They began to realize how specific they needed to be to get useful information. Kudos to Mr. Carrington for providing this engaging, authentic learning opportunity!
At Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary, Mr. Carrington's 4th grade class participated in their first Mystery Skype just this week with a sixth grade class in Kansas. A shared Google Document was created where Mr. Carrington's students could add possible questions and also list the answers to the questions that were asked. Students used Google Maps on their iPads as well as atlases to help support their search. Students were only allowed to ask "Yes" or "No" questions to narrow down their search. As the Skype progressed, students went from asking questions such as "Are you in the United States?" to "Are you one of the 13 original colonies?" to "Are you North of Myrtle Beach?" They began to realize how specific they needed to be to get useful information. Kudos to Mr. Carrington for providing this engaging, authentic learning opportunity!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Up Next: Changing Tides - Take 1
Students were given the options to present live with a slideshow (Slides), verbally through a recording (Vocaroo), or in YouTube fashion (Screencastify). Not surprisingly, this generation who cut their teeth on YouTube videos unanimously chose to do screen cast presentations.

After getting the webcam lined up properly, the boys started their first take few takes. See the video below.
After watching the preview, the students came up with the idea to use a second Chromebook to run as a teleprompter, so they wouldn't be looking at their paper while recording. To complete this, the students were shown Google Docs and shared a file with one another. The next step is to complete the teleprompter file and then practice and record again.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Kicking off 2016!
Happy New Year! The 2015-2016 school year is filling up with wonderful work on mobile devices! The Tech ICs would like to share some of the great things we have seen in the DLC classrooms.
Teachers have been using both Edmodo and Google Classroom as workflow solutions. In Edmodo, teachers are using Moby Max for differentiated learning in math and ELA. In both Google Classroom and Edmodo, students are having online discussions, creating reading response journals and book reviews, and collaborating with their peers. Students are using mobile devices to work in the Apple apps, such as Pages, Keynote, and iMovie to "show what they know." The Google apps, such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides, have been used across all school levels to promote the 4 Cs: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. We have seen elementary students screen casting using Educreations and Screencastify! Elementary through highschool students have been demonstrating their learning through podcasts using Voice Recorder Pro on iPads and Vocaroo on Chromebooks. There are even some teachers that are dabbling in the implementation of blended learning and flipped classrooms.
We are looking forward to seeing the amazing things DLC teachers and students create on their mobile devices in the new year!
Teachers have been using both Edmodo and Google Classroom as workflow solutions. In Edmodo, teachers are using Moby Max for differentiated learning in math and ELA. In both Google Classroom and Edmodo, students are having online discussions, creating reading response journals and book reviews, and collaborating with their peers. Students are using mobile devices to work in the Apple apps, such as Pages, Keynote, and iMovie to "show what they know." The Google apps, such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides, have been used across all school levels to promote the 4 Cs: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. We have seen elementary students screen casting using Educreations and Screencastify! Elementary through highschool students have been demonstrating their learning through podcasts using Voice Recorder Pro on iPads and Vocaroo on Chromebooks. There are even some teachers that are dabbling in the implementation of blended learning and flipped classrooms.
We are looking forward to seeing the amazing things DLC teachers and students create on their mobile devices in the new year!
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