Saturday, April 18, 2015

Preparing for EOCs - by Lacy Bryant

How can teachers and students use technology to prepare for End of Course exams? Ms. Anderson, Algebra teacher at Garrett Academy, has one solution to the problem.

Teaching high level math courses using technology can be very challenging. Many of the apps, programs, extensions, and websites that she and I have looked in to do not allow students to practice higher level math skills. Trying to translate this (e^25/f^10)^(2/5) into a math problem that actually looks and reads as math problems is very difficult. (Math teachers are probably the only people who can really appreciate the difficulty of the above stated problem. If you are a non-math teacher like myself, you just have to trust me on this one.)

Ms. Anderson has put a lot of thought into solving this problem. She has set up her Google Classroom to use a combination of technology (helpful videos, sharing presentations that she has made, sending and gathering students work) and traditional paper/pencil lessons. Students are now able to work more independently learning the necessary math skills while also receiving valuable 1:1 attention from her when it is needed. Students today were learning about and practicing "Solving Radical Equations Algebraically."

Great job Ms. Anderson and great job to Ms. Anderson's students who are working so diligently to master difficult mathematical concepts! You rock!! I look forward to teaching you and your students how to make your own math videos (that are far better, funnier and smarter than the videos you watched today)!

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